The Commission on Educational Policy identifies pedagogical concerns in social work education and works with other CSWE bodies to address these issues. The commission reviews current CSWE programs that are related to educational policy and planning, and suggests activities that would strengthen and expand CSWE's leadership role in matters of education. Finally, the commission periodically writes a statement of social work curriculum policy that is used by the Commission on Accreditation to formulate CSWE's accreditation standards.
Charge From the Board of Directors
The Commission on Educational Policy shall have the following functions:
- to prepare, at periodic intervals not to exceed 7 years, a statement of social work curriculum policy to encourage excellence in educational programs and to be used by the Commission on Accreditation in formulating and revising accreditation standards;
- to identify educational issues in need of attention at all levels of social work education;
- to establish priorities for action in the area of educational policy and planning;
- to review current Council on Social Work Education programs related to educational policy and planning;
- to refer pertinent educational policy issues to various CSWE bodies; and
- to recommend means of implementing and coordinating activities in order to support and extend the CSWE's education leadership role.
Council on Field Education
Council on Practice Methods and Specializations
Report to the Board of Directors, Mar 2021