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2021 Call for Volunteers

CSWE invites members to apply to serve on one of 17 distinguished CSWE commissions or councils. You can explore the contributions of CSWE commissions and councils in the 2019–2020 CSWE Annual Report. 

Application Submission

Application materials must be submitted using the online portal


Required Documents

  1. CSWE application for commissions and/or councils
    Note: Even though you may be interested in more than one commission or council, you should complete only one application. If you are an existing commission or council member and interested in serving as chair, select the chair option on the application. 

  2. Résumé

  3. Brief statement of interest identifying the requested appointment area and describing special areas of expertise or interest in that area

The deadline for member volunteer applications is Friday, April 30, 2021.  

Appointments are made by the chair of the CSWE Board of Directors and will be effective July 1, 2021. If you know someone who could contribute to the work of CSWE through a commission or council, please encourage them to apply. Applicants from historically underrepresented and marginalized groups are encouraged to apply; view the CSWE Affirmative Action Policy and Plan for additional information.

Criteria for Applications

An applicant must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a current CSWE individual member
  • Actively participate in meetings, conference calls, and work activities in person or via conference calls
    • Commissions and councils meet during the Annual Program Meeting (APM), and commissions meet once in the spring; councils and commissions conduct other business throughout the year via e-mail and conference calls.
  • Maintain a CSWE individual membership throughout the appointment

Note: CSWE is committed to the promotion and affirmation of diversity in its broadest sense. We encourage the nomination of all candidates regardless of race, gender identity and expression, disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or other types of cultural difference.

CSWE Commissions and Councils 

The six commissions and their corresponding councils have vacancies for which volunteer service is needed. Please consider the numbers of anticipated vacancies for the 2021–2024 appointment cycle when making your decision.

Commission on Accreditation

Potential Vacancies =  9 Educator Members; 1 Public Member 
Skill set needed:

  • Hold full-time faculty or administrative appointments in accredited social work programs
  • Have a minimum of 5 years teaching and/or practice experience
  • Recent experience as a CSWE site visitor, having conducted at least three site visits under the 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards
  • Have demonstrated knowledge of curriculum development and accreditation procedures
  • Reflect the geographic representation of the CSWE membership
  • Represent a variety of program attributes (level, size, auspice, etc.)
  • Maintain active CSWE membership
  • Commit to attending three meetings annually (February, June, and October), reviewing 30–40 program accreditation documents electronically annually, and conducting two to three commission visits for candidacy programs annually
  • Recipients with professional practice doctoral degrees or affiliated with programs offering these degrees are encouraged to apply.
  • Applicants with written and verbal Spanish language fluency are encouraged to apply.

2. Commission for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice

Potential Vacancies = 1
Skill set needed:

  • Knowledge of equity; inclusion; and social, economic, and environmental justice; leadership toward inclusive excellence in social work education
  • Especially encouraged to apply are members of the Native American and Latinx communities; diverse regional representation is preferred

Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities

Potential Vacancy = 8
Skill set needed:

  • Capacity to develop educational materials or initiatives to support full societal inclusion of disabled people and dismantle oppression experienced by people with disabilities
  • Readiness to assume a share of tasks associated with carrying out the Council’s strategic initiatives
  • Deep understanding of the diversity of people with disabilities and its intersectionality with other aspects of diversity
  • Availability to participate in: 
    • Annual Council Meeting (held in conjunction with the APM; traditionally in-person)
    • Winter Virtual meeting (typically mid-late January)
    • Virtual meetings of work group(s) in order to carry out the tasks associated with the Council’s strategic initiatives 

Council on Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity

Potential Vacancies = 10
Skill set needed:

  • Knowledge and expertise in various issues pertaining to racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity, including intersectionality, interdisciplinary work, and diversity of racial/ethnic populations
  • Commitment to active engagement in council projects throughout the year
  • Commitment to participate in meetings throughout the year, most importantly the annual business meeting held during the APM

Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education

Potential Vacancies = 8
Members with an interest in the council’s charge are needed who have willingness and time 

  • to carry major responsibility for the council's development of curriculum materials related to women's issues in social work education
  • to identify procedures within academe and social work education that impede and promote the full participation of women;
  • to advocate for change of any policies, procedures, or activities that impede full and affirming participation within CSWE and social work education; and
  • to participate in mentorship of students and junior faculty who identify as women by supporting their academic pursuits and leadership development
  • to assist in coordinating activities related to women at all levels of social work education and to stimulate new programs and activities.

Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression

Potential Vacancies = 6
Members are needed who

  • have willingness and time to serve on subgroups, complete educational projects, and contribute to the bimonthly conference calls; and
  • represent racial and ethnic minorities, transgender and gender queer populations, and LGBTQ persons with disabilities.

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3. Commission on Educational Policy

Potential Vacancies = 6
Skill set needed:

  • Administrative experience (deans/directors/associate deans)
  • Understanding and interest in higher education trends
  • Representatives from Minority Serving Institutions' programs or representatives from small BSW programs
  • Competency assessment expertise

Council on Field Education

Potential Vacancies = 5
Skill set needed:

  • Clear understanding of the field director role and experience with field organizations at the national, state, or regional level or with consortiums
  • Regional representation is especially sought for this council.

Council on Practice Methods and Specializations

Potential Vacancies = 6
Especially encouraged to apply are individuals who have

  • Experience in developing and/or teaching specialized curricula 
  • Practice experience within the last five years

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4. Commission on Global Social Work Education

Potential Vacancies = 7
Skill set needed to increase diversity of council:

  • Engage in expanding social work students' global perspective
  • Build connections with international social work throughout the social work curriculum
  • Enhance international collaborative learning, research, and practice strategies
  • Experience with partnerships in Africa, South East Asia, and those working with indigenous populations

 Council on Global Social Issues

Potential Vacancy = 4
Especially encouraged to apply are individuals who have

  • global social work experience and attend international meetings,
  • the ability to lead work groups, and
  • affiliation with the United Nations and international and social development organizations.

Council on Global Learning and Practice

Potential Vacancies = 2
Especially needed:

  • Members from the West or Southwest region of the United States who can provide representation for persons who are natives of Latin America or China

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5. Commission on Membership and Professional Development

Potential Vacancies = 2
Especially needed to diversify commission:

  • Interest and experience with membership recruitment
  • Males
  • Faculty members of color
  • Representatives from BSW programs

Council on Conferences and Faculty Development

Potential Vacancies = 2
Especially needed:

  • Active APM presenters, abstract reviewers, previous APM track chairs, and regional representation from the Northeast and Midwest
  • Members of underrepresented groups

Council on Leadership Development

Potential Vacancies = 2
Especially encouraged to apply are those who

  • Are interested in the development and growth of leadership in social work education
  • Represent all aspects of social work education and leadership, including field education and advising/student services.
  • Participated in Harvard Institutes of Higher Education or the Higher Education Resource Services program

Council on Publications

Potential Vacancies = 1
Especially encouraged to apply are those who

  • have strong publication records,
  • have time available to review and discuss manuscripts submitted for publication by CSWE Press,
  • will seek out and encourage new book proposals, and
  • are members of underrepresented groups.

Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) Editorial Advisory Board

Potential Vacancy = 1

Subcommittee of the Council on Publications that

  • provides strategic support to JSWE’s editor-in-chief,
  • solicits manuscripts,
  • promotes JSWE, and
  • helps develop journal policy.

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6. Commission on Research

Potential Vacancies = 4
Especially needed are

  • representatives of BSW, MSW, and doctoral programs who have a passion for the teaching and conduct of research related to social work education;
  • those who have an interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning in social work education;
  • members from RO1 and non-RO1 institutions; and
  • representatives of diverse groups.

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