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Board of Directors


The Board of Directors shall govern the affairs of CSWE and exercise all the  powers, rights, and privileges of CSWE, subject to the provisions of law and these bylaws. The Board shall 

  • annually review and approve the programs, plans, and budgets of CSWE, and hold all governance and program units accountable for their activities;
  • bear responsibility for monitoring and reporting annually to the membership on an affirmative action plan;
  • approve a schedule of membership dues;
  • decide whether to adopt the educational policies developed by the Commission on Educational Policy; 
  • have authority to formulate specific policies necessary for oversight of the affairs of CSWE;
  • order and adopt priorities;
  • receive and review resolutions passed at annual membership meetings and report to the membership on actions taken on resolutions;
  • conduct an annual performance review of the President/CEO; and
  •  meet at least twice a year.
*These Board members are ex officio and nonvoting members.