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Giving to CSWE

Katherine A. Kendall Fund

Contributions to the Katherine A. Kendall Fund are used to foster interaction with the global social work community and to formulate projects designed to further our global awareness and vision for social work education and practice.

Carl A. Scott Memorial Fund

The Carl A. Scott Memorial Fund was developed to continue the legacy of equity and social justice in social work through building knowledge and furthering the well-being of individuals and their communities. These were the goals to which Carl Scott devoted his life's work.

Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice

The CSWE Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice advances individual growth, community well-being, and social justice. Contributions will be used as the center works to promote the vision, visibility, voice, and collaborative action needed for inclusive and effective social work practice, teaching, research, leadership, advocacy, and social change.

Social Work Education Tribute Fund

Contributions to this fund are used to further the mission of the Council on Social Work Education—to promote and strengthen the quality of social work education through preparation of competent social work professionals by providing national leadership and a forum for collective action.

Hokenstad International Lecture Fund

The Hokenstad International Lecture was launched in 2007 through an endowment from M.C. “Terry” Hokenstad. The Hokenstad International Lecture, a feature lecture at CSWE Annual Program Meeting (APM), was developed to enhance and complement the work of the Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work and the work of CSWE's Commission on Global Social Work Education.

If you would like to make a contribution to CSWE, you may click heredownload this form, or call our accounting manager, Ed Blair, at 703.519.2061. Thank you!