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Application: 2020 SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education

Online Application Cycle is Now Open!
Submission Receipt Deadline: Friday, May 1, 2020, at 11:59 pm (USA EDT)

The annual SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education is presented by SAGE Publishing in collaboration with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). To emphasize SAGE’s desire to support CSWE and the theme of the 2020 Annual Program Meeting, the following award reflects an acknowledgment of innovative teaching in the past as well as a focus on teaching innovations for the future. Individuals may self-nominate or nominate others for these awards.

For the 2020 award cycle, applications will be submitted online at 2020 SAGE/CSWE Award. Applicants must include a CV, (at least one) letter of recommendation, a relevant syllabus, and one or more testimonials from a current or former student regarding the instructor or instructors’ influence on that student’s multicultural competence. One recipient (one individual or one team) will be awarded and recognized for outstanding contributions to social work education.

Learn more about the 2019 SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching recipients.

Applicants and Nominees

Individuals currently engaged in social work education at the undergraduate, graduate, and/or continuing professional education levels may be nominated. The awards are intended to recognize individuals, working alone or in concert, in social work or in interdisciplinary or interprofessional teams when social work is present.

Nominees may self-refer or be recommended by colleagues, students, administrators, or others familiar with the nominee’s work. Nominees may include teachers, administrators, or designers of social work-relevant educational programs. Nominations are not limited to persons who are members of CSWE, who work in the United States, or to authors who have published with SAGE. Efforts will be made to attract new as well as veteran nominees whose efforts reflect sensitivity to diversity issues and whose work has implications that cut across method and field specializations. Nominees will be required to submit summaries of the work to be assessed.

Theme: Award for Innovation in Teaching Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This award is given to recognize an individual or individuals (when a course is taught by a team of faculty members) for innovative instruction with an emphasis on equity, access, and inclusion and is based on the following criteria:

  1. The class taught by the instructor is part of the foundational curriculum for the BSW or MSW level (not taught as a special topic course).
  2. A portion of the course and assignments is delivered online or includes assignments that require the use of technology.

The Award—More Than a Ceremony

One recipient will be announced by late May and presented at the CSWE 2020 Annual Program Meeting (APM) prior to the CSWE Membership Meeting on November 13, 2020. The recipient will be encouraged to present their innovation as an interactive workshop during that same APM.

This workshop will bring together awardees and other nominees to exchange ideas on innovations in social work education that lead to innovations in social work practice. In the workshop the award winners can demonstrate how their innovations work and engage participants in related activities.

The awardee will receive a complimentary registration to the APM (one individual or two per team) provided by CSWE, and travel and lodging will be paid for up to $1,000 for an individual or team by SAGE Publishing. In addition, the awardees will receive $500 worth of SAGE books or journals.


Please direct questions about this award to Joshua Perrigo, acquisitions editor, at