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Dr. Phyllis Black

Professor & Director, MSW Program Lehigh Valley, Marywood University

The Service and Leadership in Social Work Education Award is presented to Dr. Phyllis Black, MSW, PhD, ACSW, LSW. Dr. Black’s leadership and service have expanded our thinking about the nature of education for social work practice with integrity, substance, and commitment.
Having received her BA and MSW at McGill University and her doctorate from the National Catholic School of Social Services, Dr. Black has taught for the past 50 years. She has a passion for serving by educating future social workers and mentoring current social workers. Dr. Black’s leadership as chair of the CSWE chair of the Commission on Curriculum and Educational Innovation resulted in the important shift from a content to a competency-based framework for social work education in the 2008 CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). She has published extensively, particularly in the areas of ethics in social work practice.
Dr. Black’s scholarship is focused on ethics in social work practice and issues related to social work education. She is a member of the NASW PA Committee on Ethics and served three terms on the CSWE Board of Directors. As a member of the CSWE Commission on Accreditation, she participated in drafting the standards for the 2015 EPAS. Dr. Black has received Outstanding Teaching Awards from Catholic University and Chestnut Hill College, the Marywood University Distinguished Faculty Award, a Distinguished Alumna Award from Catholic University, the NASW Lifetime Achievement Award, and is a Social Work Pioneer.

Award: Service and Leadership in Social Work Education Award