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Lori K Holleran Steiker

Associate Professor | University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Lori K. Holleran Steiker is receiving the Distinguished Recent Contributions to Social Work Education Award for teaching excellence; scholarship; and research with adolescents, young adults, and their families in the area of substance use disorders. Her groundbreaking work augmented the research on cultural adaptation of substance abuse prevention curricula by promoting a strengths-based approach rather than a deficit-based model for the framework of substance abuse recovery. Her research on substance use addresses intervention, prevention, and recovery.

A prolific writer, she has published 63 articles and chapters and co-authored a book, and she has two books in press. In addition, Dr. Holleran Steiker has received more than 20 administrative, collegial, and student teaching awards, as well as numerous community and research awards. In fall 2014 she founded one of the few recovery high schools in the United States, which addresses the needs of adolescents with substance use problems by providing them the support they need to graduate and further their education. University High School in Austin opened with 14 students and receives support from various community agencies along with University of Texas at Austin departments, programs, educators, and students.

Dr. Holleran Steiker is a strong voice and advocate of recovery from personal, professional, and research perspectives. Her extensive publications on substance abuse prevention and cultural adaptation and her signature course, Young People and Drugs, as well as her exceptional accomplishments as a practitioner, scholar, and educator distinguish her as worthy of this prestigious award.

Award: Distinguished Recent Contributions in Social Work Education Award