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Beverly Black

Professor and PhD Program Director | University of Texas at Arlington

Beverly M. Black is being honored for her significant and broad contributions to social work education in scholarship, pedagogy, and organizational leadership. Black is noted for her energy, commitment, and vision, as well as for her effective and collaborative approach to leadership. She has received awards for her scholarship and for her dynamic and student-centered teaching. Her service contributions at all levels —from program-based to the national arena—have earned her the reputation of being a transformative leader. Black is director of the doctoral program at the University of Texas at Arlington, where she holds the Jillian Michelle Smith Professorship in Family Violence Research. Her extensive and innovative work on violence against women, grounded in a feminist perspective, includes an emphasis on prevention and on implications for social work practice. Within CSWE, she has served on the Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education and the Commission on Accreditation.

Award: Distinguished Recent Contributions in Social Work Education Award

Citation:  Beverly M. Black is being honored for her significant and broad contributions to social work education in scholarship, pedagogy, and organizational leadership.